Reading and writing Obolo becomes very easy when one becomes familiar with the orthography. The alphabet chat for Obolo is as shown below: Obolo is a tone language. It has four tones: low, mid, high, rising and falling tones. In Obolo standard orthography, only the low tone and falling tone are indicated; others are not indicated. Again, tones are indicated only on the first syllable of verbs but not on the other syllables, except where it it's necessary to clear ambiguity. In such cases, an authoritative text will show the way to go.
To type Obolo language, simply download the Keyman app for your platform (i.e. Android, Windows, iOs, etc) There are two layout for Obolo Keyboard: The CHWERTY Layout and the QWERTY Layout. THE CHWERTY LAYOUT: This layout is based on the orthography of the Obolo language. You can get it here THE QWERTY LAYOUT: This one is based on the English QWERTY keyboard, with two additional keys for ọ and n̄ The qwerty layout is available here For Windows desktop, visit this link The .apk file for Android can be gotten here . To type Obolo language successfully on your computer using this keyboard, you need to note the following: 1. Accents (or tones) are typed after the base later. So to type "à", you will need to first type "a" then place the grave accent "`" on the latter a.
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